The Study of Symbols – Part 4

  • Understanding Symbolics

Definition of Symbolics:
(1. Theological) The study of ancient symbols and especially referring to the theological history of creeds, beliefs and acts of faith;
(2. Symbolism) Complex image composed of various symbolic elements designed to convey a deliberate meaning or effect;
(3. Scientific) The process of a system that is revealed by its symbolic dynamics 

The term Symbolics is usually only used in terms of advanced specialisation in certain fields of study although the concepts that the word represents are a part of everyday life.

In common usage within the fields of Symbolism and Symbology, Symbolics are often confused with Symbols. A simple object such as a dove is a Symbol while the deliberate usage of the dove as an emblem of any specific one of its associative meanings or as an element within a larger emblem such as a dove with an sprig of olive) is Symbolic.

Dove and olive branch – 2 Symbolic images combined

The ancient Hellenes did not use such differentiation but, in modern terms, the statues of the Gods would be accurately termed Symbolics as they are not essentially Symbols in the totality of their meanings. The various elements of the statues are Symbols that have been deliberately combined to create a composite symbolic structure that conveys the process, function or nature of the God or Goddess as a dynamic principle.

Three Dimensional Fresco of Artemis, featuring multiple Symbolic elements.

The study of these symbolic uses and the dynamic processes they represent as a totality is called Symbolics.

The field of Symbolics is used to understand the dynamics of the human mind, society, history, universal energy, religions and generally the formative structure or process of anything. Allegorically, the myths of the ‘philandering’ of Zeus are good examples of Symbolics as they illustrate the dynamic process by which Zeus brings the Olympian order to the Universe.

Zeus in the form of a bull, with Europa

Thus, the study of Symbolics focuses not only Symbols and their uses but also the order in which Symbols appear (a process) as well as their effect on and relation to other symbols with which they are depicted.

Part 5 of The Study of Symbols will discuss how to understand Symbolic Systems.

Until then…

About G. Isen

Georg Isen is a writer with a love for the profound depths of the human mind and all the symbols it expresses itself with.
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